Terms and conditions


Welcome to Push-A-Tron's Privacy Policy. Your privacy is critically important to us. This policy outlines our practices regarding the handling of your personal information.

Notification Data Handling

Non-Retention of Notification Data: Push-A-Tron does not store notification data on our servers. Notifications are transient and, once delivered, are removed from our system.

Premium Accounts: For premium account owners, notification data can be scheduled and stored temporarily until delivery. Post-delivery, this data is also removed from our servers.

No User Tracking

No Tracking Information Collected: Push-A-Tron does not collect any tracking information from mobile users. We do not track or identify users through their use of the mobile application.

Notification Data Content

User Agreement: Notification data is a contractual matter between the project owner and the notification receiver.

Non-Responsibility Clause: Push-A-Tron is not responsible for any content delivered through our notification service. The content of notifications is solely the responsibility of the user creating and sending the notification.

Data Security

Commitment to Security: We employ industry-standard security measures to protect your information from unauthorized access.

User Responsibility: Users are advised to keep their account details confidential to prevent unauthorized access.

User Rights and Preferences

Access to Information: Users have the right to access their stored data on Push-A-Tron and request correction or deletion as per applicable laws.

Opt-Out Option: Users can opt-out of receiving notifications from a Project at any time through their account settings.

Changes to Privacy Policy

Policy Updates: This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.

Continued Use: Your continued use of the service after any modification to this Privacy Policy will constitute your acceptance of such modification.

Contact Us

For any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at support@pushatron.com.

By using Push-A-Tron, you acknowledge your understanding of and agreement with this Privacy Policy.